Two new Calls for Mirror Regions and Simple services are now open
Do you want to play an active role in the development of your rural area? dRural has just launched two new calls for replicators (Mirror Regions) of its platform and simple services providers in Extremadura.
Any service you can offer is welcome, but we are especially looking for applicants who can provide services in the fields of:
Health and social care.
Business development.
Learn how to apply and get from €5,000 up to €120,000 to set up your business or replicate the dRural platform in your region.

Call for Mirror Regions
4 more regions from outside the consortium will be selected to act as “Mirror Regions”, replicating the dRural platform in new places.
Call for Simple Services in Extremadura
14 services providers (sole entrepreneurs and small businesses) will be selected to provide Extremadura region with their services.

Become a rural game-changer now!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement N°101017304.