Lead and Coordinated by the technological Valencian enterprise, IDI EIKON.
- Four are the participant countries: Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia and Spain.
- During the project, with a duration of 30 months, 5 pilots will be implemented.
- There will be two pilots in Spain: one at the Manises Hospital (Valencia), working in collaboration with the Department of Social Services of Quart de Poblet Council, and the other located in the Health Area of Cartagena (Murcia), having as a partner Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias de la Región de Murcia (FFIS).
Valencia, 13 February, 2014
IDI EIKON, Valencian technological enterprise has hosted the kick-off meeting of the project INCA (INclusive INtroduction of INtegrated CAre). The meeting has taken place during one and a half day, on the 12th and 13th of February 2014.
This initiative has as objective to coordinate the socio-sanitary services of the different administrations, aiming to reduce costs and increase and improve patients care, mainly those with chronicities. The meeting has been held at “Unión de Mutuas” premises, located, as IDI EIKON, within the Technological Park of Valencia.
IDI EIKON, Leader and Coordinator of INCA, has developed an ICT tool to support Care Plans, personalized them according to each patient segmentation and needs, to monitor and track them and to measure its effectiveness. In summary, a tool to address the challenges all organizations dealing with Chronic Patients Programs and/or Long-term care are facing every day. Besides addressing chronic patients, the tool can be also extended to cover different care sectors needs.
The initiative that is supported by the European Union, co-financing 2.5 million Euros, wants to contribute innovative solutions to the current state of art in the management of Chronic Programmes, aspiring to integrate or facilitate the integration of social programs into the, until now, almost exclusively clinical vision of the care chain problematic, with an implementation progressive and flexible according to each customer priority.
INCA puts the patient in the center with a personalized network of stakeholders (Social Services / Service providers, GPs, Specialists, Caregivers, Volunteers…), empowering patients that will be able to communicate directly with their circle of care.
INCA is a browser based solution, 100% Internet and served from the Cloud (other options are also possible). Thanks to this, the benefits for socio-sanitary professionals and medical organizations are many, because the model assures access to the information flow, according to each user profile from anywhere, at any time. The monitoring and tracking tools easy the continuity of care between professionals (domiciliary care > case manager > primary care > secondary care).
But, overall, leverages preventive actuations against reactive ones, what results in bigger savings and sustainability. Among use advantages of INCA are the generation of synergies with the professionals socio-sanitary to improve patient adherence and improve the quality levels of the services delivered. All of it without duplicating pre-existing systems or platforms (Clinical History; Patient Portal; etc.)
INCA foresees to implement the five pilot sites and have them running by the end of 2014. After implementation completed, pilots will run for more than a year, followed by an evaluation to validate the implementation of the model and its impact as well as its replicability potential in other countries.
INCA initiative foresees to impact more than 125.000 users and directly engaged 1550 stakeholders as active users.