What is Governalia
GOVERNALIA is a direct communication channel between governments and citizens that allows local governments to provide a set of services that include both specific services such as “Participatory Budgeting or “Employability Promotion”, as transversal services applicable both individually and in any situation like “Active Advertising” or “Integrated Appointments”.
GOVERNALIA helps Municipalities to be digital and helps to bring closer governments and citizens.
GOVERNALIA allows managing many of the features required by municipalities when showing their approach and proximity to citizens. Content can be also adapted and personalize to the needs of each user. Transparency, Participation and Accountability are key resources to public leaders who aspire to collaborative governance and are an integral part of the GOVERNALIA approach to enable governments to achieve such objectives.
GOVERNALIA enables public administrations to provide online services, easily and effectively. Without costly implementations or infrastructure requirements. It allows the collaboration with other departments and also integrate external software systems. It is multichannel.
A proper use of GOVERNALIA, requires a minimum training of the responsible in charge of using it. Technically speaking, GOVERNALIA is not very demanding, being the most important the wish to improve and an open mind to understand the other part vision. It is however essential to have a content manager (the person or persons dedicated to publish, maintain and update information (since keeping content “fresh” and “alive” is key for maintaining citizens’ interest).
GOVERNALIA includes tools like GOVERNALIA “Active Advertising” which allows authorities to publish information of any department, both their own and other people, launch seasonal campaigns, open government information to be reused as much as possible by the administration itself and / or third parties.
GOVERNALIA allows “mash-ups” of the information contents and helps to raise public awareness about available services and their greater involvement.
GOVERNALIA deployment points (recommended) helps expedite direct communication with citizens in the place of decision where the viewer is waiting for either a service or a proper and sufficient information.
GOVERNALIA is a unique digital solution cloud-based accessible through any browser. It is multichannel; secure, adaptable, flexible and easy to use and allows continuous monitoring. It is a solution as service “GOVERNALIA as a Service”, although their licensing is also possible depending on the requirements of each user.