Open Government
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Poor quality in the management of many governments has led to a lack of credibility in the political class and a growing distance between citizens and their rulers.
In an attempt to restore the confidence of citizens and the legitimization of public institutions, new models oriented to ensure transparency have emerged. Open Government is one of these initiatives.
The Open Government aspires to that governments be more transparent and accountable and improve responsiveness to its citizens with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of governance and the quality of services received by citizens.
Spain belongs to the international organization “Open Government Partnership (OGP)” -Alliance for Open Government- since 2011. Like any country that is part of this organization, Spain presents biannually its plans of action where commits to achieve concrete and time-bound goals
GOVERNALIA as a digital tool is a natural ally of Open Government enabling the rapprochement between governments and citizens. Through GOVERNALIA is possible to establish communication channels with citizens, promote the empowerment of civil society in decision-making (participation) and spread the culture of partnership and shared responsibility.
GOVERNALIA enables Transparency, Participation and Accountability, pillars on which Open Government sits and a viable model to recover the confidence of increasingly disaffected and disenchanted societies.
- Use direct communication channels in which to accommodate the voice of citizenship and expedite responses.
- Publish in web portals the information generated or maintained by public funds, in accessible formats to all, easing the reuse of information.
- Enable instruments for direct participation of citizens and professionals and other organizations in public affairs.