Strategic Resources Organization
www.e-oer.com ›
e-OER clearly allows transition process “based in paper” and “from certain location” to processes “without papers” and “from anywhere and anytime”.
“e-OER is an online software solution for business management in the areas of human resources, billing, payroll calculation and accounting.”e-OER is an INTERNET application, whose model allows to work online and distribute remotely competences and business responsabilities, without prejudice to retain all the necessary control of the information.
There are many advantages of e-OER, especially benefiting Organizations geographically distributed:
- You just need to have an internet connection and a browser.
- No need to be pending of the investment teams dedicated.
- The requirements are minimal, even in aditional costs (printing) the financial saving is evident, because in many cases companies send documents electronically and the recipient print only what he needs.
- No longer need to watch for updates, because applications are always updated on the providers’ servers.
- The basic paremeters are kept updated by the provider.
- Bottlenecks dissapear from the early exercise.
- You can share data with third parties (Consultants, Accountants, Workers,…), assigning each profile proper authorization.
- Security and privacy control information is maximum.
- You can make use of the applications from anywhere and anytime (full mobility, office is where you are).