Chronics Management
Success story AdsuM++ (A++)
Manises Hospital ›
Manises Hospital is the public reference hospital for an area covering 20 municipalities and more than 200.000 patients in Valencia Region (Spain).
Manises Hospital runs an innovative management model where a private health insurance company (Sanitas, belonging to BUPA UK-based group) organizes the public delivery of care in exchange of a cap per patient paid by Valencia Region government.
In this model, optimizing resources and keeping high levels or satisfaction among patients is critical to ensure the Hospital earns money. Manises Hospital uses AdsuM++ (A++) to achieve this.
AdsuM++ (A++) is used to design and deploy specific care plans and pathways for Chronic Patients (Heart Failure, COPD, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular diseases…) and other target groups (obesity, fibromyalgia…).
By doing so, multi-disciplinary groups of providers are created and commanded to track patient’s conditions since early stages. This ensures patient is accompanied while illness evolves to higher-risk tiers, and at the same time, preventive care actions and educational care actions are deployed.
Results since AdsuM++ (A++) was initially deployed back in 2014 show that:
- Patients are benefiting from this early-stage care and real-time tracking, and then are evolving slowly towards higher-risk tiers for their condition, saving plenty of health resources from being consumed.
- Care delivery is mostly shift from Hospital to Primary Care providers, so expensive resources (visits to ER rooms, hospitaladmissions, specialists visits) are minimized.
- Nursery resources, just under-utilized before AdsuM++ (A++), are now responsible for plenty of care delivery actions. And as nurses are guided by AdsuM++ (A++) on how to deploy care, they do not need very specific skills or trainings.
- AdsuM++ (A++) fully integrated with Manises Hospital Health Information System (HIS), automatically updates care plans when specific situations happen (hospital admission = plan temporarily suspended; hospital discharge = new set of care actions added…).
- As care delivery feedback flows along the multi-disciplinary groups, Hospital resources consumption is reduced by by-passing care to Primary Care resources (i.e. as Manises Hospital Providers can check if a Heart Failure patient is already being attended by Primary Care Providers using AdsuM++ (A++) a usual 5-days stay at the Hospital is now taking 3-days, so savings are not only in avoiding admissions but also in reducing hospital stays average duration).
- Currently, more than 600 providers are using AdsuM++ (A++) at Manises Hospital and close to 5.000 patients are already benefiting from this new pro-active care delivery model.