Riga (Latvia), 5 June 2014
Consortium members SEED project (Speeding Every European Digital), meeting in Riga (Latvia) on 4 June, presented their final conclusions on this project, which aims to increase and deepen citizen participation in the modernization of public administrations, through the use digital advertising (screens) as a tool to disseminate public services and benefits, and to encourage interaction with the public.
The final workshop under the theme “Open Data and Institutional Advertising: A European Cloud opportunities,” attended by all participants, who presented the other pilot tests have been conducted in the past two years and the best practices included in their respective experiences under the project, highlighting the benefits of the implementation of innovative initiatives in the different administrations or organizations.
During the conference, attended by the Minister of Education and Science of Latvia, Dina Berzina and Minister for European Affairs and Regional Development, Ieva Brinke, members highlighted the importance of participating in international SEED deployment in order to promote technology-based entrepreneurship in the cloud.
During the meeting several aspects of the new Horizon 2020 the European Commission and European policies to the relationship between government and citizens program were also addressed. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) presented its guidelines to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union and its main priorities focused on innovation, research and ICT.