e-Health Services Everywhere and for Everybody
E3 project is a project between CELTIC domains (cross-domain) under the international umbrella EUREKA CELTIC-Plus, with file number C2013 / 2-4 (27 November 2013). The project consists of a consortium in which six countries participate: Spain (coordinator), Poland, Finland, France, Turkey and Sweden (21 entities in total).
At National level E3 is supported by the CDTI (Centre for Industrial Technological Development), framed within the Smart Growth Program and recipient of funding from the Regional Development Fund FEDER of the European Union, dedicated to the promotion of R&D in Spain (Nº: IDI-20150256).
E3 aims to design an E2E platform able to allow everybody (provide low cost high quality video conference & e-health services reusing in-home infrastructures) access to e-health services everywhere (both rural & urban areas, both Patients & Professionals)
E3 focus on 3 main scenarios
- Professional to Professional (will contribute to facilitate crucial collaboration between doctors for maintaining an increasing expertise & then ensuring a high quality of care for everybody everywhere).
- Professional to Patient (working 3 main areas: a) Design, implement & demonstrate prototypes of applications supported by the platform integrating new eHealth services into a unified user interface based on Smart TV, Mobile and Virtual Wall, b) Move current eHealth services from the Health Care Centre to the Patients’ home & Remote Doctor Office without losing quality c) Add a secure reliable residential gateway with support for monitoring the network connection between the hospital & patient’s home.
- Patient to Patient Scenario will allow to intercommunicate among them and with their friends & relatives using the E3 videoconference solution.
IDI EIKON aims to address the WebRTC protocol to extend its eHealth offer, incorporating video-conferencing services and tele-assistance, served from the cloud and providing such a service to professionals and patients may that may use it from anywhere and / or on the move.