Public Digital Advertising
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SEED (Speeding Every European Digital) is a project that is co-financed by the European Commission for raising citizens’ awareness about existing e-Government contents and services previously invested by European Public Sectors, in order they can be able to benefit from them.
“SEED makes it easy, while still giving deployers the flexibility to customize messaging and create branding opportunities.”The target of SEED is to expand, through the “cloud computing” approach and a very cheap network of Interactive Public Service Advertising (i-PSA) nodes, the positive results of European Inclusive e-Governance initiatives to boost “citizen-centric” e-Government Services, to reuse as much as possible the European, National, Regional and Local stocks of Public Sector Information (PSI) and to leverage saving costs of e-Government and e-Governance deployments. SEED re-uses PSI making mash-ups of e-Government contents for raising awareness of citizens about e-Government services available across all Europe: this is, transforming PSI in i-PSA messages.