https://healthchain-i3.eu ›
- Project Details: Boosting value chains in Health at regional and EU level
- Acronym: HealthChain
- Grant Agreement Nº: 101094676
- Start Date: 1 January 2023 – End Date: 31 December 2025
- Funded under: Interregional Innovation Investments (I3)
- Programme: Interregional Innovation Investments Instruments (I3)
- Topic: I3-2021-INV2a-DIGIT
- I3 Project Grants
- Coordinated by: TICBIOMED (Spain)
HealthChain proposes a model that is demand-driven, co-creative, geared to adoption and ecosystem-enabled to complement current instruments.
HealthChain aims to develop health solutions meeting existing needs that will improve the quality of health services for the citizens. The interregional component provides a unique opportunity to cross-fertilise actual instruments and facilitate the market uptake of the solutions developed.
HealthChain builds up on top of five regional ecosystems from different EU countries: Murcia (Spain), Centro (Portugal), Western (Slovenia), Primorsko-Goranska (Croatia) and East Netherlands (The Netherlands).
Main objectives
- Establish and validate a value-chain model that interconnects regional stakeholders to promote demand-driven innovation and resulting in systematically co-created digital health solutions geared for adoption.
- Boost the competitiveness of the IT companies with mature solutions, facilitating the scaling and uptake of their solutions at local, European and international level
- Support a wider pool of third-party SMEs with less mature health solutions (TRLs 6-7) to codevelop and pilot solutions under real-world conditions under an FSTP programme
- Create a sustainable Community of Practice of EU regions, that sustainably maintain and exploit the proposed value-chain model with their own resources beyond the duration of the project
- Promote the digital transformation of healthcare organisations by improving the delivery of valuable, user-friendly and cost-effective services to patients and citizens
Expected outcome
Innovative investments across borders (TRL 6-9) for digital health solutions, for the acquisition of skills in digital transformation.
15 digital health sub-projects, interlinking five regional ecosystems each with 1 Healthcare Organisation, IT companies, 1 regional Ecosystem Supporter.
I3 – Interregional Innovation Investments
The value chains forged in the 5 HealthChain regions are based on local quadruple-helix connections. The regional ecosystems are then interwoven via cross-border collaborations. Also, the combination of local and cross-border value chains is geared to untap further investments in digital health innovation where the public and private sectors from different countries can work together. By applying a demand-driven and co-creation approach, health entities will increase the capacity to systematically identify and solve their needs while creating opportunities for private companies.