Mirror Regions searched in around European rural regions
The project will select 4 more Regions (called Mirror Regions) from outside the consortium to come on board to replicate the dRural platform.
Different types of services, different types of support.
The selected Mirror Regions will be supported by the consortium partners to build their own marketplace and implement their own simple and complex services.
- Technical support for deploying and customizing the dRural Platform.
- Business support through business and ecosystem-building coaching.
You can apply here: https://www.f6s.com/drural-mirror-regions-oc2/apply
Funding for applicants in mirror regions
60,000€ grant to single regional promoters to build the business ecosystem and to set up the platform in a mirror region.
120,000€ grant to consortia (regional promoters and SMEs will be funded with 60,000€ each.)
Call closes 30 January 2024 (17h00 CET, Brussels time).
To find more information about dRural: Homepage – dRural
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