09 May 2013, Madrid (Spain)
On May 9, 2013, DAY OF EUROPE, took place at the headquarters of the INAP (Institute of Public Administration), the first workshop of the European project SEED lead by the Valencian company, IDI EIKON.
Another partner, also Spanish, the municipality of Quart de Poblet, as leader of the DISSEMINATION Workpackage, has been primarily responsible for organizing the event.
The event, in addition to present and publicize the SEED project has focused around the theme of RE-USE of PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION (PSI), that what the SEED project is about, and, as one would expect, the DIGITAL AGENDA for Europe and its implementation in the different Member States, especially in the case of Spain, for which included representatives from the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, Mr. Salvador Soriano; and from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, Mr. Emilio García García.
The event was opened by the Mayor of Quart, Doña Carmen Martinez and closed by the Open Government Councillor of the Council of Quart de Poblet, Mr Juan Medina.
Critical voices were not lacking during the presentations done by speakers as David Cabo, César Calderón and José Ignacio Pastor, representing the private sector and the citizenship.
Coming back to the project, it was presented by the Coordinator D. Miguel Alborg, director of the company that leads and coordinates the project, IDI EIKON. He made a direct and focused presentation of the many possibilities that a solution like SEED put in the hands of public administrations (not only) and the many benefits they can obtained from it, even in crisis times as the present.
This was corroborated with the presentation of two of the project pilot cases (out of 8) and from countries as different from Spain Latvia: “Ventspils case” and Croatia: “Rijeka City case”, where SEED solution is being deployed with great acceptance by public bodies and citizens.
For a more detaial information, please, go here.