LABORA is the Valencian Employment and Training Service of the GVA.
In 2024, LABORA launched the call for Grants to promote the permanent hiring of qualified young people, within the framework of the National Youth Guarantee System. ECOGJU 2024
This call aims to grant subsidies to promote the initial full-time permanent hiring of unemployed young people over 16 years of age who, having a professional qualification recognized by the vocational training system for employment or the educational system, are registered as beneficiaries in the file of the National Youth Guarantee System in the territorial scope of the Valencian Community.
IDI EIKON requested an aid (file number ECOGJU/2024/506/46), for the permanent hiring of 1 person full-time.
On December 27, 2024, IDI EIKON was notified of the favorable granting (11,113 Euros), conditioned on compliance with the obligations established in article 19 of Order 12/2024.
As the subsidy line is eligible for co-financing by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) 2021-2027 and the aid program is subject to the minimis regime established in Regulation (EU) 2023/2831, the aid granted is subject to the information and publicity rules established by Regulation (EU) No. 2021/1060. This page is therefore intended to publish and disseminate the granting of the aid received by LABORA.