The European project INCA is OUT


Lead and Coordinated by the technological Valencian enterprise, IDI EIKON. Four are the participant countries: Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia and Spain. During the project, with a duration of 30 months, 5 pilots will be implemented. There will be two pilots in …

IDI Eikon and its smart-city solutions in ICT2013


6 – 8 November 2013, Vilnius (Lithuania) IDI Eikon has participated in the International Conference on Information Technology and Communication (ICT), organized by the European Commission in Lithuania as the country holding the EU presidency of the EU. The ICT …

IDI Eikon provider of mobile applications


IDI Eikon is implementing mobile applications (APPs) focused in the following topics: employment, health and business management. In a hyper-connected world and increasingly mobile thanks to the use of ‘ smart phones ‘ (smartphones) , the company has gone a …

IDI EIKON at SEED 1st Workshop


09 May 2013, Madrid (Spain) On May 9, 2013, DAY OF EUROPE, took place at the headquarters of the INAP (Institute of Public Administration), the first workshop of the European project SEED lead by the Valencian company, IDI EIKON. Another …