Inclusive Domotic e-Services
e-Domo project is a National Inter-Companies Cooperation project funded by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development, framed within the Technology Fund and recipient of funding from the Regional Development Fund FEDER of the European Union, dedicated to the promotion of R&D in Spain (Nº: IDI-20100577).
The main objective of the project e-Domo is to promote e-inclusion of the elderly in the Information Society, supporting their continuance at home and increasing their degree of autonomy.
To this end, the project aims to develop an automated system based on a Oriented Architecture (SOA), so that the products of the system are transformed into e-Services, hiding the end user the technological complexities and offering services generated from a user-centric perspective.
The interface design of such services will have to be based on the Design for All and e-Accessibility, so that any user, independently of his/her characteristics and/or limitations can use the platform and benefit of the advantages that ICTs may offer.
The proposed innovation in e-Domo project is not so much about the use of new technologies but easy integration and incorporation of new services. This is a technological effort made possible thanks to its flexibility to respond to changing market conditions.
The project consortium e-Domo is formed by IDI EIKON and LEADER NETWORK, each one contributing their know-how to the project development in order to achieve the overall objectives raised. The extensive experience of IDI EIKON in fields such as services for elderly and accessibility, as well as in the area of home automation, combined with the high capacity and experience of LEADER NETWORK in the deployment of telecommunications networks and services, supports the viability and effectiveness in the transfer the knowledge gained during the development of this project, initiated in 2010 and ended in 2013.